Multiscale Applications on European e-Infrastructures

Today scientists and engineers are commonly faced with the challenge of modelling, predicting and controlling multiscale systems which cross scientific disciplines and where several processes acting at different scales coexist and interact. Such multidisciplinary multiscale models, when simulated in three dimensions, require large scale or even extreme scale computing capabilities. Progress in science and technology is limited by our ability to solve efficiently such problems on available distributed computing infrastructures. The MAPPER project will respond to this critical need by developing computational strategies, software and services for distributed multiscale simulations across disciplines, exploiting existing and evolving European e-Infrastructure. Driven by seven challenging applications from five representative scientific domains (fusion, clinical decision making, systems biology, nano science, engineering), MAPPER will deploy a computational science environment for distributed multiscale computing on and across European e-infrastructures. By taking advantage of existing software and services, as delivered by EU and national projects, MAPPER will result in high quality components for today's e-Infrastructures. We will advance the state-of-the-art in high performance computing on European e-Infrastructures by enabling distributed execution of multiscale models. We will develop tools, software and services that allow two modes (loosely - and tightly coupled) of multiscale computing, in a user friendly and transparent way. We will integrate our applications into the MAPPER environment, and we will demonstrate their enhanced capabilities by answering one challenging scientific question related to each application. We plan to collaborate with other projects on adaptation of successful MAPPER methodologies, and will work with resource providers to develop policies facilitating the new multiscale computing paradigms.

The MAPPER Factsheet is available from here.


MAPPER at Grid Computing: the Next Decade 2012

The MAPPER project was mentioned in the talk of Mr. Peter Coveney & Nour Shublaq, both of the University College London (UCL), in their talk in "Distributed computing: The whole truth and nothing but the truth" during the meeting Grid Computing: the Next Decade between 4th - 6th January 2012 in Zakopane, Poland.

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Calendar Calendar


Simulating MultiPhysics MultiScale Systems Workshop @ ICCS 2012

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All Day: All Day (Time Zone Sensitive)
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Simulation of multiphysics and multiscale systems poses a grand challenge to computational science, with vast applications in chemical engineering, plasma physics, material science, biophysics, neuroscience, aerospace and automotive sectors. Most of the real-life systems involve interactions amongst a wide range of physical phenomena. In addition to that, the time and length scales of the individual processes involved often differ by orders of magnitude. Numerical simulation of these multiphysics and multiscale problems requires development of sophisticated models and methods for their integration, as well as efficient numerical algorithms and advanced computational techniques. This workshop aims to bring together computational physicists, numerical specialists and computational scientists to push forward this challenging multidisciplinary research field, and to foster cross-fertilization between all fields of applications.


Simulating MultiPhysics MultiScale Systems Workshop @ ICCS 2012


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