Multiscale APPlications on European e-infRastructures


Driven by seven challenging applications from five representative scientific domains (fusion, clinical decision making, systems biology, nano science, engineering), MAPPER deploys a computational science environment for distributed multiscale computing on and across European e-infrastructures. By taking advantage of existing software and services, as delivered by EU and national projects, MAPPER will result in high quality components for today's e-infrastructures. We develop tools, software and services that permit loosely and tightly coupled multiscale computing in a user friendly and transparent way. We integrate our applications into the MAPPER environment, and demonstrate their enhanced capabilities.


 Range of Scales and Processes Involved in the Fusion Applications

Figure 2:  Range of Scales and Processes Involved in the Fusion Applications

Joint Research activities

The application portfolio is adapted to the MAPPER infrastructure. Our approach is that applications are up and running from the start of the project, with existing, easily adaptable and deployable tools in the fast track; the deeper track then produces enhancements which are fed into the user level fast track as and when ready. A number of programming and execution tools, dedicated to distributed multiscale computing, are developed. In the first phase of the project, the applications will have to rely on explicit coding of their multiscale simulations, but gradually programming tools are delivered that assist in this task. JRA tools allow interaction between software components from different e-infrastructures in a hybrid way.

User communities

MAPPER is driven by seven exemplar applications from five user communities (virtual physiological human, computational biology, fusion, hydrological engineering, nano material science), and these communities are specifically targeted. However, our solutions are generic and will enable distributed multiscale computing for any multiscale model fitting into our paradigm, and MAPPER therefore opens up to other user communities as well.

International aspects

MAPPER partners have significant trans-Atlantic grid and HPC experience, and have been involved very actively in TeraGrid and with the US Department of Energy laboratories. We collaborate with the US TeraGrid to integrate infrastructures across the globe.


Figure 1: A Schematic Diagram of the MAPPER Computational Science Infrastructure.

Click here to enlarge Figure 1.